Babysitter Info


A babysitting contract will permit a sitter of working parents to attend the pool while caring for children who are members of the pool.   The Rules are as follows:

  • Babysitters must be at least 16 years of age
  • Fee is $175
    • Fee is $150 for the summer when chosen and paid at the time of application submissionChoose the babysitter option during your membership application and pay with your membership


    1. Babysitter contracts allowed for members whose youngest child, who must also be a member, is 12 or under. Exceptions may be petitioned to the Board of Trustees.
    2. Babysitters, whose names are shown on the babysitter contract, may be admitted to the pool only to perform their duties as a babysitter. The babysitter’s children may come as a paying guest when the babysitter is performing his/her duties as a babysitter.  Babysitters are not permitted to bring guests or attend social events unless working during the function or paying a guest fee to attend with a member.
    3. Babysitters must enter the pool at the same time as the children from the contract.
    4. Babysitters may not attend the pool with an adult member from the contract unless children are 6 and under or require special assistance. Board of Trustees may make exceptions upon request.
    5. There are a maximum of 3 named babysitters per membership.
        • Babysitter info can only change once per month

Click here to change babysitter info on an existing contract


NOTE: Membership and eligibility must be verified and payment must be received before the babysitter contract will be in effect.  This usually takes 2-3 days after payment is processed. 

Price: $175.00
If you paid during registration, DO NOT USE THIS FORM. Instead, use this form